The Christian Campus Ministry is presenting a series of video presentations and live discussions entitled “Truth is Stronger than Fiction”.
The forums are designed to strengthen the relationship between students and the Christian Campus Ministry by focusing on various topics that some might label as “the religious right”.
Scott Stocking, campus minister, said the Ministry has been accused of bigotry and homophobia.
“We’re not that way at all,” Stocking said.”The Christian Campus Ministry aims at helping others in considering a relationship with Christ. We believe in the standards that the Bible puts forward such as the Ten Commandments.”
The first two discussions of the eight-part series have already been held. The series began Oct. 4 and will continue until Oct. 26.
The past presentations focused on “The Evolution Conspiracy” and the Christian belief that the earth is a product of divine workings, not random chance. NIU’s Biology department dedicated one of its classes to contribute to the forum and to challenge the Christian perspective.
Upcoming discussions will involve issues on homosexuality, AIDS, and the allure of Rock and Rap music. The next video-discussion is at 7:47 p.m. tonight in DuSable 305.
It is entitled “Coming Out of Homosexuality” and features men and women who have abandoned the homosexual way of life for a heterosexual existence. Members from the Lesbian and Gay Bisexual Coalition are expected to attend. Stocking said that there are issues that need to be addressed, such as AIDS and its spread throughout the community at large.
The allure of rock and rap music will be discussed in future programs and will attempt to expose the hidden evils of both. Rap stars such as Hammer are exposed as hypocrites because of his use of sexually explicit dancers in his ‘Pray’ video. Rock star Madonna’s defamation of the Holy Cross is also examined for its implied insult to Christianity.
Stocking said he believes rap and rock music discourage family values and he dismissed the notion that the lyrics to certain songs are no more that words with no adverse effects on society.
“Words mean things. When you say words in a song you want to impress someone, but actually you change society,” he said.
The Christian Campus Ministry is a bible-believing group that has been on NIU’s campus for the past 15 years. Services are held Mondays at 8 p.m. The video presentations are held each Monday and Tuesday night in October at the aforementioned time and place.