Math Dept. offers emphasis in actuarial science


The Department of Mathematical Sciences/Division of Statistics at NIU is now offering an emphasis in actuarial science for students who would like careers as actuaries.

Actuaries are business professionals who analyze the financial consequences of risk in fields ranging from finance to product development.

Many work in the insurance industry on such tasks as analyzing insurance rates, estimating the amount of money to be set aside for future claims and forecasting the potential impact of catastrophes such as tornadoes and hurricanes. Actuaries are consistently rated among the top professional jobs in the nation.

“We developed this program even as NIU President John Peters called for the university to be engaged and responsive to the needs of employers in our region,” said Professor Rama Lingham, direcotr of the NIU Division of Statistics.

The NIU emphasis in actuarial science is multidisciplinary, combining courses in accountancy, economics, finance, mathematics, statistics and actuarial science.

The NIU Board of Trustees approved the actuarial emphasis last spring, and 15 students are already enrolled in the actuarial science track.

More information can be obtained by scheduling an appointment with Professor Lingham, (815) 753-614, or at