People: It’s not spring yet
February 22, 2007
Sharp, biting cold winds are no longer whipping around corners. Snow is starting to turn to slush, melting and trickling its way into gutters and sewers.
The 40-degree weather certainly feels like 75 degrees compared to the freezing temps visiting DeKalb the past few weeks. But, it appears some people need a reality check. We are not on spring break in some tropical location. It’s only 40 degrees.
Its the end of February. Massive puddles are everywhere. Have you had fun trekking through those puddles in your sandals?
According to, arms, legs and feet should be properly covered when temperatures are below 40 degrees. Failure to dress appropriately for the weather may trigger migraine headaches and may even increase asthma-related health problems. As many as half of all migraines are triggered by sudden changes in weather, according to research by the New England Center for Headache.
We now know Grandma was wrong when she told us cold weather will make you sick with pneumonia, but exposing your skin - especially your feet – to this cool weather is not going to help your health. One study found those with cold, wet feet were more likely faced with a sudden onset of common cold symptoms.
Use some common sense when getting dressed in the morning. Yes, it does feel great to walk to class without shivering and slipping all over ice, but enjoy this little warm-up sensibly – and for goodness’ sake, put on some shoes.