Film all too familiar to ‘The Craft’

By Stacie Wieland

“The Covenant” surrounds the Sons of Ipswich ­— the descendants of the families that founded the Ipswich colony in the 1600s.

At the age of 13, the four men were given a taste of the untold power they would achieve on their 18th birthday. Now, Caleb Danvers (Steven Strait), about to turn 18, is trying to come to terms with his fate. Despite the fact he can do anything he wishes, every time he uses his power, it drains his life.

Additionally, when a new kid moves into town, and strange things begin to happen, the four members of the Covenant try to unravel the mysteries before their loved ones meet untimely demises.

This movie had so much potential completely wasted on a half-hearted attempt at romance and plot twists that aren’t interesting and hold no payoff whatsoever.

One of the many detriments is its lack of background information — the origin of the Covenant’s power is glossed over as it is “unknown.” That is supposed to add to its mystique… maybe. All it really accomplishes, however, is showing the total lack of creativity less than five minutes into the picture.

Some scenes, one in particular, should be taken completely out of the movie because they are so ridiculous. For example, in a dark, dank room made entirely of stone and located underground, the four members of the Covenant discuss the shady past of the new kid on the block, Chase Collins (Sebastian Stan). All of a sudden Caleb’s cell phone rings. Huh? Even people willing to suspend disbelief enough that four pretty-boys are endowed with magical powers won’t believe crystal-clear calls in what looks like the Pit of Despair.

The plot forks in too many directions, leaving the audience confused and wondering what they should ultimately care about.

The supporting cast, which helps give the story its dimension, is completely forgotten at the end — one of the loose ends never tied up.

The ending is predictable, abrupt, disappointing and cheating.

Feel as though you’ve seen something like “The Covenant” before? “The Craft” should ring a bell. Given the choice between the two, spend a dollar and rent “The Craft”.