John Frusciante: Curtains

By Kelly Johnson

“Curtains” is the sixth and final installment of John Frusciante’s exhaustive string of releases that started back in June 2004.

Known for his eccentric past and equally eccentric guitar style, the decision to release six albums in almost as many months seems to fit Frusciante like a suggestively placed tube sock.

The songs show Frusciante has a gift for melody and a knack for pairing his earnest lyrics with enjoyable folk arrangements. His delivery bears more than a strong resemblance to Cat Stevens, which only helps his chosen medium.

But one question lingers through the entire album: Why did he choose to release this album now? Every song shows wonderful potential, but each seems to be a skeleton or rough draft of a fully realized whole.

“The Past Recedes” is the closest to representing a completed song and stands as a testament to what could be. “Hope” shows off Frusciante’s harmonies of latter-day Chili Peppers with a great melodic flow but ultimately leaves more to be desired, clocking in at about one minute and 45 seconds.

Maybe next time around Frusciante can condense his comprehensive vision into a single masterpiece.