Mayor candidates affirm fair campaign

By Sheena Elzie

Both DeKalb mayoral candidates have signed an affidavit ensuring a clean campaign.

Each candidate voluntarily signed the Code of Fair Campaign Practices which includes basic principles of decency, honesty and fair play to run an appropriate campaign.

Ethics first became an issue when DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow criticized opponent Frank Van Buer last month in his letters to the editor of Midweek and the Daily Chronicle for not signing the affidavit.

Van Buer said he signed the affidavit before the letters were printed and his campaign workers will continue to adhere to the ethical guidelines.

“I think it was brought up as a false issue,” Van Buer said.

Sparrow said the affidavit is an issue because people want to know about the issues affecting them, not candidates attacking each other.

Sparrow also said his opponent’s slogan “elect a mayor with integrity” is an implied personal attack and does not comply with the guidelines.

“Why would you have that as a slogan if you weren’t trying to make a personal attack against someone?” Sparrow said.

Van Buer said the slogan was not meant to be a personal attack on Sparrow.

“I’m just saying a mayor should have integrity,” Van Buer said. “I don’t see why people would take it the wrong way.”

Both candidates said it is important for people to focus more on important issues, such as community growth.

“Van Buer says he is for economic development, but he voted against building Target,” Sparrow said.

Sparrow said he is concerned about what Van Buer could do for the city as mayor.

“Van Buer said he has been living in the community for 40 years,” Sparrow said. “The first time I’ve seen him step foot into city hall was when he was on the county board. So what does he know about the city?”

Van Buer said it is ultimately up to the people to decide which candidate is more qualified.

“I don’t think personal attacks should be an issue,” Van Buer said. “The people should decide based on the person’s qualifications and experience.”