Arhos maintains the conservative hypocrisy

Nick Arhos, and other Republicans, are hypocrites. In Arhos’ Wednesday column, he alluded to the idea that John Kerry would not be a fit president because he “flip-flops” and that he does this when politics tell him to. Bush said the same thing in the debate last week. However, Bush and his party fail to acknowledge the fact that Bush flip-flips, too! When Bush was asked about same-sex unions in the 2000 debates, he said: “It should be left up to the states.” Bush was methodical in saying that because he knew a Constitutional amendment would alienate some potential voters at the time. Do I smell a flip-flop?

Now that this absurd amendment proposal has gained some frivolous momentum, he’s all for it. Bush didn’t propose the amendment; Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., did, and he followed her. Decisive, my rear end. Also, even if you disagree with homosexuality, how could you possibly think an amendment to the Constitution that discriminates against a whole population of people would not be damning to our democracy? What kind of precedent would that set for future leaders? If you want to talk about “the destruction of traditional family values,” then open your eyes. Heterosexual married couples already finished that job off. Plus, conservatives criticize homosexuals for being promiscuous as if heterosexuals aren’t. Furthermore, this amendment is dangerous to the LGBT community because it will give hateful people permission slips to wreak havoc in the LGBT community. Why wouldn’t they? Homosexuals wouldn’t even be equal human beings, and the Constitution would say so! I urge everyone reading this to realize how serious this is and to make the right decision in November.

Nick Thorsen

Junior, communication