Broken Lizard’s Club Dread

By Casey Toner

Broken Lizard’s “Club Dread” is a confused film. It doesn’t know what it wants to be.

-Perhaps it’s a slasher film. Perhaps it’s a spoof. Perhaps it’s an amalgamation of the two — like “Scream” or “Scary Movie.” But it follows the same, tired premise without the release of a fresh twist.

It goes like this: Guy with knife runs around stabbing idiots. Idiots crack weak jokes for two hours. Guy continues to stab said idiots. Idiots catch guy and kill guy.

It’s the same plot as every slasher film ever shot, except it takes place in the tropical Club Dread, which is just like a wittier Club Med beach resort. And shallower. And sexier.

That’s how it works with the latest Broken Lizard effort that vainly has been branded as a Broken Lizard film after the ostensive success of “Super Troopers.”

Rather, Broken Lizard should have labeled its latest as a “Girls Gone Wild” film with hotter women and less boobosity.

Believe it or not, beads and breasts do more for me than cheap sex jokes that border on sick and stretch to the bizarre.

Sick as in the premonition that ecstasy makes an excellent margarita. And bizarre as in the out-of-nowhere bestiality joke.

“Club Dread” is very bizarre. The killer, who otherwise has a 15-second role, plays on the urban legend that he’s the ghost of a camper who shot his penis off after having sex with a corpse. And in the worst case of penis envy I’ve ever heard, the penis-less killer hacks Club Dread campers with a machete. Or so we think.

The movie kind of reminded me of “Scream” in the way it lampooned a sub-genre without abandon — but “Scream” boasted originality. It was wicked, fresh and smart. It ripped apart a cliched genre with the very bloody knife that did the stabbing.

And then came “Scary Movie.” “Scary Movie” tried too hard to parody; most of the cheap jokes lost themselves in the sound and fury of the spectacle.

“Club Dread” is like that also. But its fury, although eliciting a few payoff laughs, roars with the intensity of a kitten.