No priorities!

I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank Campus Missions International for providing last week’s oh so informative display on sexuality. It’s about time someone put those homosexuals where they belong—right on the “Sex in Oneself” tree!

I’m so tired of hearing about those other issues like homelessness, racism, environmentalism, and child sexual abuse/incest (95 percent of child molesters are heterosexual males, but that’s our little secret, isn’t it?). Since your group and other religious authorities ignore the trivial issues mentioned above and focus instead on those darn homosexuals who wreak moral havoc on our otherwise untainted heterosexual institution, I can tell you have your priorities firmly intact.

Please continue to spend your time and energy making sure that lesbians, gays and bisexuals are ostracized, beaten and murdered. Efforts such as the recently passed anti-gay measure in Colorado managed to increase hate crimes against lesbians and gays by 300 percent! I can feel Jesus smiling down from Heaven! Keep up the good work!


GLU co-president
