Your Opinions

Openness of discussion point of Jenet campaign

As the organizer of the Jenet Week campaign, I would like to respond to the several articles recently submitted conveying frustrations of being “forced” to believe a certain way following the campaign.

I would first like to apologize to those who felt obligated to not only ask someone wearing a neon green shirt stating, “I agree with Jenet,” exactly what Jenet believes but to also take a neon green flier and then actually proceed in reading the flier stating Jenet’s beliefs. Placing myself in your shoes, if the entire campus decided to sport brightly-colored t-shirts and handed out papers stating another’s beliefs, I would gladly take a flier, consider the beliefs and would certainly be open to discussing them with the person.

In organizing the Jenet Week campaign, our goal was not to force our beliefs on others, but rather to promote an openness of communication throughout this campus regarding spiritual issues. Yes, we do believe that God created us to know him personally, but that we are all sinful and separated from God. However, Jesus paid the penalty for all of our sins through his death on the cross, and it is only through a relationship with Christ and his forgiveness that we can be made righteous before our Holy God.

Do we expect everyone to agree with this? Absolutely not; however, we do want people to be open to discussing their beliefs and the beliefs of others. If you agree with Jenet, that’s great. If you disagree, we accept that. Therefore, I would like to commend all of you who openly expressed your disagreement with Jenet’s beliefs publicly and would encourage you to further investigate exactly why you disagree with Jenet’s beliefs, why you believe what you do and be open to discussing your views with others. All of us wearing the neon green shirts would love to hear about your beliefs as well.

Colbey Conway

Graduate student,

Physical education

Outreach team leader, Campus Crusade for Christ

Latter-day Saints are not Mormons but Christians

When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was established in the 1800s, people who hated this religious movement nicknamed the members

“Mormons,” with much hostility. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that Mormon was a man and an ancient prophet who lived on the American continent. Members of the church have tried to lose this nickname because it does not represent who we are, and there is a common

misconception that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not believe the Jesus Christ is the savior.

Yes, we are Christian. Furthermore, I would ask the Northern Star to respectfully use the correct title of the church in further reference to the church. To clarify a misinterpretation, Julie Stoffer said it was “the culture” to get married or go on a mission. This is just her point of view, and it is not the doctrine of the church. Julie said MTV portrayed her as one-dimensional on the “Real World.” Even so, Julie has given many students who attended the April 18 event a one-sided portrayal of how members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints react to rules and guidelines.

Stoffer referred to herself as “Mormon” at the Carl Sandburg Auditorium. When baptized and confirmed as a member of this church, members make a sacred covenant. Part of this covenant is “to stand as a witness of God at all times, in all things and in all places.” Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints live by a different standard than most of the world today. They are asked to live by a health code in which they do not smoke, drink alcohol, coffee or tea. When Julie from went to Brigham Young University, she chose to live by an even higher standard. By signing a code of conduct before entrance, she was well aware of the consequences if she broke this contract.

Before hearing her speak on that Wednesday, I respected her choice to leave. She commented that many people judged her for this decision, but “the show

brought her closer to her religion.” If she is indeed stronger, would she have been so disrespectful to the standards she joked and even mocked about on

Wednesday? By choosing to be on the “Real World,” Stoffer chose to leave Brigham Young University. She did not choose to leave The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nor was she asked to leave. Her final remarks dealt with being true to oneself, and she advised the audience to make decisions that will result in future happiness. In an interview with MTV, at , Julie tells of her first kiss.

MTV: What was your first kiss like, and who was it with?

Stoffer: My first kiss was great. I was 17, and I met this boy at a church dance. One night I snuck out of my house to chill with him. We saw “Romeo and Juliet.” He kissed me; it was classic. When I got home I was in big trouble, but it was worth it.

Didn’t she tell us that DeKalb was where she had her first kiss?

Sara Souther

Freshman, sociology

Vice president, Latter-day Saint Student Association