Young Democrats work to gather support
September 9, 1992
NIU’s Young Democrats are gearing up for the upcoming presidential race.
“Everybody is still trying to organize, to get the word out,” said Anthony Jacob of NIU’s Young Democrats.
Jacob recently met with three coordinators of “Illinois Victory 92,” a student organization for Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton.
He said coordinators Jane Usdan, Rachel Laser and NIU graduate Jeni Saladino came to NIU to keep the group in line with the state and national campaign.
Usdan said it is time for all students who support Clinton to work together. “Everyone needs to pull together now,” she said.
Citing a poll in late July, Usdan said 74 percent of Americans between 18 and 24 are supporting Clinton. “This is the first time in 12 years students have supported a Democratic candidate for president,” she said.
A major factor in student support of Clinton is the poor employment rates of recent college graduates, Usdan said.
She said Clinton campaign supporters are focusing to get that segment of the nation registered and then to vote.
Usdan said there are 25 million people in the 18 to 24 age group, in which only 50 percent are registered voters, and in 1988, only 36 percent of that group actually voted.
Jacob said regular Young Democrats meetings are held every Wednesday at 9 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center.
Jacob also said the Young Democrats will be participating in a national voter registration drive on Sept. 18. The deadline to register for the election is Oct. 5.
Jacob said any students wishing to register for the election can contact him at 753-2731, or they can contact the Young Democrats President Brad Strauss at 753-2712.