SA focuses on voter registration, IBHE
September 28, 1992
The Student Association welcomed new members and warned veteran senators of the issues that lie ahead at its first meeting Sunday night.
SA President Paul Middleton opened the meeting by asking the senate to approve his new advisers for the upcoming semester and reminding members of the SA’s goal to get students registered to vote.
“We want to generate political concern on campus,” he said. “We will be going strong this week, since it is our last full week before the Oct. 5 deadline.”
Middleton said voter registration tables will be set up in DuSable Hall and Founders Memorial Library starting today.
In other business, student Regent John Butler warned senators of what to look to in the months ahead.
Butler said it is imperative that senators be familiar with the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Priorities, Quality and Productivity guidelines. He said senators must keep an eye on IBHE chairman Art Quern.
“If he gets away with everything, he will abolish everything (NIU) has except our undergraduate studies,” he said.
Butler also said senators should attend the next Board of Regents meeting, Oct. 21 and 22, because several construction projects affecting students in more ways than one will be discussed.
“In the next two years we will have to make sure that persons with disabilities are not forgotten,” he said.
Also addressed was the recent outbreak of violence on campus. Minority Relations Adviser Cassandra Penner said she is working with several minority groups on campus to discuss ways to stop the violence since “there was some minority involvement.”
The next regular meeting is at 5 p.m. next Sunday in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room. All SA meetings are open to the public.