Vatch resigns

By Wes Swietek

Head wrestling coach Ed Vatch resigned his position yesterday after 13 years at NIU.

“The main reason that I’m leaving is because I find it difficult to remain in a situation that receives little support,” Vatch said last night.

“There’s been no plan for wrestling since (NIU Athletic Director) Gerald O’Dell arrived. The policies and techniques used are alarming. I’m concerned about becoming another victim,” said Vatch.

“The morale among the (minor sport) coaches is the worst in the 13 years I’ve been here. (O’Dell) doesn’t care about the minor sports,” Vatch said.

Vatch was pessimistic when asked about NIU’s future.

“I think it’s very grim … NIU got $230,000 from the NCAA for having a broad-based program. Wrestling received $1,000. I don’t feel that’s a fair dispersement,” Vatch said.

In a press release issued last night, O’Dell indicated a search for Vatch’s replacement would begin as soon as possible.

The 38-year-old Vatch has headed NIU’s program since 1986. He started at NIU as an assistant in 1978.

Vatch said he plans to remain in DeKalb to continue heading his construction company.