Empty promises
April 1, 1992
As a concerned student here at NIU, I can no longer stomach the shady campaign practices and empty promises proposed by the self_proclaimed “Greek Ticket.” Mr. Middleton and company have stated their reason for not making their campaign public was because The Northern Star in the past has crippled their campaigns with unfounded stories. But Mr. Middleton does not give all the facts to the incidents he refers. It was former SA presidential candidate John Fallon’s own fault for being arrested with a fake ID at one of DeKalb’s local drinking establishments during the midst of his election campaign. Perhaps, Mr. Middleton, you should have informed John Fallon about the other ways to get his name in the paper other than the free publicity offered by the “Police Beat” column.
Isn’t it true, Mr. Middleton and company, that the real reason you chose not to go public was because you felt your greek membership alone would be enough to sneak you into office without the knowledge of the rest of the campus until after the fact? Why else would you go around from house to house on Greek Row making promises you know you can’t deliver and then having the nerve to tell your fellow greeks to keep these promises secret from the Star and the rest of the students on this campus? Or maybe you kept it secret because you didn’t want everyone to know about the qualifications you lack in the SA. (For example, a vice_presidential candidate without a day’s prior experience.) Or possibly you kept it secret because the only promises you were prepared to make were those that would benefit only the greek community and disregard entirely the majority of students here at NIU you are also supposed to represent if elected to office. You mention a fifth point in The Northern Star—why haven’t we heard the other four?
And finally, the thing that probably sent me over the edge was your last-ditch effort to appeal to NIU’s African_American community in yesterday’s editorial. Perhaps, Mr. Middleton, you should be more concerned about addressing to them the rumors involving you and your colleagues’ plans to eliminate the minority relations position at the SA or replace it with another of your fellow greek friends.
I pose this question to the majority of the students on this campus:
Do we want a group whose only concerns are approximately the 2,100 members of the greek community in which they belong?
And to the members of this community:
Do you want to take the heat for these candidate’s blunders once they enter office?
Let’s show these candidates that we all have something at stake in today’s election, and that we are not as naive as they would like us to be. VOTE IN TODAY’S SA ELECTIONS!
Craig Tubacki