DeKALB – Tuesday, Nov. 8 is election day for the midterm elections. This means Illinoisans will be able to cast their votes for governor, congress and local positions regarding Illinois politics. NIU students discuss the importance of midterm elections.
Sophia Durbin, a sophomore mechanical engineering major at NIU, interviewing on Friday near Williston Hall on campus. (Philip Arduini | Northern Star)Julian Carranza, a freshman computer science major at NIU, interviewing on Friday in the MLK Commons. (Philip Arduini | Northern Star)Mike Figueroa, a freshman business administration major at NIU, interviewing on Friday in front of the Student Center. (Philip Arduini | Northern Star)
Migi Quinones, a senior computer science major at NIU, interviewing near the commuter parking lot on Friday at MLK Commons. (Philip Arduini | Northern Star)