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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

P.B. rocks — Hurricane-style

By Jessica Coello | November 10, 2004

Welcome to another amazing edition of the one-and-only Playback. This week’s dream compilation comes from Dan Nikolov, a junior mechanical engineering major. The Batavia native says his best concert experience was when he saw his two favorite bands...

Rocket falters against husky

By Mark Pietrowski | November 9, 2004

A matchup for the ages will be transmitted on ESPN2 at 6:35 p.m. today from Huskie Stadium. The contest between the NIU Huskies and the Toledo Rockets is a huge event, with the MAC West conference title belonging to NIU if it wins. The Rockets have won...

Veterans light up their room

By Rachel Gorr | November 8, 2004

From MTV to NIU, Cribs is in the house ... well, residence hall. Throughout the semester, Sweeps will delve into the dopest domiciles NIU students inhabit. This week, we visit the the oh-so-eclectic pad of two NIU students. What do the Chicago Bears,...

Perfect jobs aren’t out of reach

By Rachel Gorr | November 5, 2004

It is your hope of hopes, your dream of dreams. It is the job you have been salivating over ever since “Career Day” in kindergarten. It is your dream job. From time to time, Sweeps will delve into what it takes to be an astronaut, fashion model, CIA...

R. Kelly and Jay-Z: Unfinished Business (2 stars)

By Lady C | November 4, 2004

R. Kelly and Jay-Z are back ... again, with their collaborative album, “Unfinished Business.” In 2002, the pair made their first joint attempt, “The Best of Both Worlds,” which flopped - and the tour was canceled. R. Kelly faced rape charges that...

Sahara Hot Nights: Kiss & Tell (3 stars)

By Derek Wright | November 4, 2004

The Sahara Hotnights are what The Go-Go’s would have sounded like if they had rocked as hard as they partied. Not that the four Hotnights are nymphomaniacal drug addicts. They just know how to write catchy pop gems while playing the role of femme fatales...

Eatin’ good in the neighborhood

By Derek Wright | November 4, 2004

Remember those horrible images of cafeterias that you had when you were younger? You’d picture yourself standing in a mile-long line waiting for a bitter, stone-faced woman to slap a spoonful of unidentifiable gumbo onto a tray and shove it in your...

Surviving Christmas (1-1/2 stars)

By Jessica Coello | November 4, 2004

The holiday comedy “Surviving Christmas” opens with a montage of people miserable at Christmastime, including a grotesque scene of an old woman sticking her head in an oven. And the movie doesn’t get much better from there. “Surviving Christmas”...

Jack ‘horses around’ with coalition

By Christopher Strupp | November 4, 2004

In the past few weeks I have learned two things: A singer would dare to lip-sync on “live” television, and horse slaughtering is a delicate and unfunny subject. This week, I tried my hand at saving horses from slaughter by joining the National Student...

Coping with the mourning after

By Rachel Gorr | November 4, 2004

You’re tired, cranky and you really have a hankering for some Canadian bacon. What’s happening? It seems you’ve come down with a case of the “Lost Election Blues.” You stayed up all night Tuesday huddled in the warm glow of your television -...

Le Tigre: This Island (2 stars)

By Kelly Johnson | November 4, 2004

Politics and music. When trying to juggle two hot coals, more often than not, you’ll get burned. Kathleen Hanna, however, has shown over the past decade that she is more than capable of making smart social commentary while carving a name for herself...

The Donnas: Gold Medal (2-1/2 stars)

By Collin Quick | November 4, 2004

Coming off the success of their 2002 hit album “Spend the Night” and their brief cameo in the 1999 film “Jawbreaker,” The Donnas return with “Gold Medal.” It’s an 11-track album that glistens with guitar riffs and lyrics about - what else...