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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Exploring the final frontier

By Rachel Gorr | October 13, 2004

It is your hope of hopes, your dream of dreams. It is that job you have been salivating over ever since “Career Day” in kindergarten. It is your dream job. From time to time, Sweeps will delve into what it takes to be an astronaut, fashion model,...

Play me some Good Ol’ Jazz

By Erin Weinke | October 13, 2004

Mitchell Gaddis’ passion is jazz, “hands down.” He began playing trumpet his junior year of high school and hasn’t stopped since. He started a jazz program at NIU that informs students about the history of jazz and how it relates to American history....

Where have all the liars gone?

By Greg Feltes | October 13, 2004

Warning: This is one of those ludicrously socially irresponsible columns you are probably better off not reading; much like the column I wrote advocating smoking because of the revenue it brings and how it stems overpopulation. Or that column I wrote...

R.E.M.: Around the Sun

By Derek Wright | October 13, 2004

Michael Stipe sang,”It’s the end of the world as we know it” in 1987. It wasn’t, but the 1992 masterpiece “Automatic For The People” should have been called “It’s the end of R.E.M. as we know it.” What happened to the favorite sons of...


By Marcus Leshock | October 13, 2004

Recently, I had a discussion with one of my favorite Chicago-area film critics. He was telling me how he had just arrived from the Toronto Film Festival and about all the fantastic films he saw there. He was able to sit and talk with filmmakers like “Sideways”...

“Friday Night Lights”

By Jessica Coello | October 13, 2004

“Friday Night Lights” may seem like another dramatic football movie made all too often, but in actuality, it was adapted from a true story written in 1988. The story of “Lights” is anything but a “Varsity Blues”-style romp, which frames the...

Q and Not U: Power

By Kelly Johnson | October 13, 2004

You never know what to expect with the new Q and Not U album. Its first album, “No Kill No Beep Beep,” successfully utilized Fugazi-influenced guitar antics. Their second album, “Different Damage,” reflected the loss of its bass player by incorporating...

Jack turns wild with campfire story

By Derek Wright | October 13, 2004

For my first - and most likely only - jacking of a trade, I felt humanitarian and hit up the Committee for the Preservation of Wildlife. What better way for a guy who avoids the outdoors at all costs and used to sleep in the car during family camping...

Mix strikes eclectic chord

By Jessica Coello | October 12, 2004

Welcome back to another fresh edition of Playback, yo! This week’s compilation comes from Sumiko Keay, receptionist for University Programming and Activities. DeKalb resident Keay’s most recent concert experience was Saturday at The Lord of the Rings...

Gymnasts flip for pink and purple Douglas room

By Rachel Gorr | October 11, 2004

From MTV to NIU, Cribs is in the house ... well, residence hall. Throughout the semester, Sweeps will delve into the dopest domiciles NIU students inhabit. This week, we visit the pretty in pink ... and purple pad of NIU students Amanda Johnson and Allison...

Dating dilemma: Who pays?

By Rachel Gorr | October 10, 2004

You are out on a date. You have had a wonderful evening. You really like this person. You would like to go out again. And then it happens. WHAM! You are now face-to-face with a little white slip of paper that says it’s time for you to fork over a dead...

Husky loses not-so-epic battle

By Mark Pietrowski | October 7, 2004

Florida was just hit with more bad news: A new hurricane has formed and is scheduled to arrive at 5 p.m. Saturday. Its name is NIU. The University of Central Florida Golden Knights will play host to the NIU football team in Orlando, Florida. The hopping-mad...