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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student leaders gain award for excellence

By Lynn Kallal | January 17, 1987

The Office of University Programming and Activities has named their December Student Leaders of the Month. Valerie Boeldt and Sherri Strohecker, co-directors of the NIU Volunteer Bureau, have been recognized as outstanding contributors to the good of...

SA talks of party patrol program

By Tammy Sholer | January 17, 1987

One of the ways to keep NIU students living off-campus from being suspended or arrested for having loud parties at all hours of the night became one of the main topics of discussion at the Student Association Senate meeting Sunday night. SA Tenant Union...

Welch breaks with party on abortion

By David Johnston | January 17, 1987

State Senator Patrick Welch, D-Peru, has broken with other members of the Democratic Party with his consistent advocacy of pro-life legislation. Welch was recently honored by the Illinois Pro-Life Coalition III for his support of pro-life legislation...

Students shut out of vital lab course

By Lisa Taylor | January 17, 1987

Some medical technology students will leave NIU without an on-campus lab course, while budget and construction details of a new lab still are being discussed. The lab course is essential to train the students for pre-internship experience, said Sharon...

Hopefuls meet file deadline

January 17, 1987

Yesterday's filing deadline for DeKalb aldermanic hopefuls added two new candidates to the race and marked the end of Seventh Ward Alderman Jay Stein's term in office. The seventh ward seat is one of four which will be up for election in April. Also being...

During the telethon, the Pikes house, 900 Greenbrier, will be open for those who wish to drop off their donations.NIU takes advantage of mail discount

By Nancy Broten | January 16, 1987

The Materials Management and Business and Operations Departments have found a way to save NIU thousands of dollars in postal fees by taking advantage of a special presort discount offered by the U.S. Postal Service. To obtain the discount, NIU hopes to...

Judge dismisses murder charge

By M. Michelle Byrne | January 16, 1987

An attempted murder charge against a DeKalb man was dismissed at a preliminary hearing Thursday in DeKalb County Court after a judge ruled there was no probable cause in the case. Augustin Fajardo, 31, was arrested after allegedly shooting his mother,...

Union against losing service bonus points

By Pam Schmidt | January 16, 1987

Illinois civil service union employees from nine universities, including NIU, might lose service bonus points if a proposal to eliminate the points is approved this month by the University Merit Board (UMB). The Joint Committee on Administrative Rule...

Wirtz ‘eye-sore’ receives costly improvement plan

By Paul Wagner | January 16, 1987

The Wirtz Quadrangle, located between Wirtz Hall and the University Health Center, is about to receive an $85,835 makeover. The NIU Campus Parking Committee Thursday supported one of three alternate plans for the quadrangle redevelopment, designed to...

Higher ed. budget cuts lack support

By Mike Solley | January 16, 1987

President Reagan's proposed budget cuts for higher education, which include a 45 percent cut in student financial aid, appear to have little support in Congress. The terms of Reagan's budget propose the elimination of 17 educational programs on all levels....

Workshops offer child abuse info.

By Jodi Eisenberg | January 16, 1987

Those who report child abuse and neglect will be able to participate in a workshop to inform them of their duties and to answer their questions at the Ben Gordon Community Mental Health Center on Friday, Jan. 30. The workshop for "mandated reporters"...

Doctoral students eligible for award

By Tammy Sholer | January 16, 1987

More than $98,000 will be granted to NIU graduate students pursuing their doctorate degrees during the 1987-88 school year. Jerrold Zar, Graduate School dean, said the Dissertation Completion award was established two years ago to support graduate students...