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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU plans to receive $26.4M in state funds

By Alexander Chettiath | April 28, 2016

NIU expects to receive most of the $26.4 million in state funding by the start of May and the rest in June, said Alan Phillips, vice president for Administration and Finance.The $26.4 million is part of a bill that would provide state funding to four-year...

New NIU employees paid more

By Madison Kacer | April 25, 2016

DeKalb | NIU faculty members have encountered a salary inversion, which occurs when new hires are offered higher wages than current faculty members, due in part to the lack of state funding at NIU.It has been several years since current NIU staff and...

Letter to the Editor: NIU will address pay inequality

By Lisa Freeman | April 11, 2016

As noted in the Northern Star there are faculty members who are concerned about salary inequity based on gender, and who believe that the administration has been slow to respond. In fact, members of NIU’s senior leadership are aware of and concerned...

NIU President Doug Baker (left) and Greg Long, executive secretary of University Council, discuss the current budget issues NIU is facing due to the continued state budget impasse Wednesday at a University Council meeting in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Taxes may increase due to budget impasse: Baker

By Northern Star staff | April 7, 2016

The state may be looking into tax increases as the budget impasse extends to more than nine months, said NIU President Doug Baker at a University Council meeting Wednesday.The budget impasse is due to a lack of agreement between the state legislature...

Professor’s study finds gender pay inequality at NIU

By Julia Martinez | March 28, 2016

NIU plans to implement a salary equity task force after concerns were voiced of a gender-based pay discrepancy of potentially up to $8,000.These concerns were made known by biological sciences professor Virginia Naples who has researched faculty salary...

Board lowers maximum Lucinda repair cost by $110K

By Leah Nicolini | March 21, 2016

The estimated cost of the Lucinda Avenue repair was reduced from $550,000 to $440,000 by the Board of Trustees at a Thursday meeting.The repairs will fix a 35-foot misalignment in the Lucinda Avenue extension connecting Lucinda Avenue and Recreation Drive....

Alan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance

No budget decreases NIU credit ratings

By Alexander Chettiath | February 25, 2016

Alan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance

Gov. Bruce Rauner speaks to lawmakers as he leaves the House chambers after delivering the State of the Budget Address to a joint session of the General Assembly on Wednesday at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield. Rauner vetoed Senate Bill 2043 on Friday, which would have appropriated $397 million for MAP funding.

Bill would appropriate $72M in funds to NIU

By Alexander Chettiath | February 22, 2016

Gov. Bruce Rauner speaks to lawmakers as he leaves the House chambers after delivering the State of the Budget Address to a joint session of the General Assembly on Wednesday at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield. Rauner vetoed Senate Bill 2043 on Friday, which would have appropriated $397 million for MAP funding.

NIU plans to cut $30M from budget

NIU plans to cut $30M from budget

By Sara Karikomi | February 18, 2016

From left: Alan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance; Mike Mann, State and Government Relations and Board Liaison; Provost Lisa Freeman and Chief Diversity Officer Vernese Edghill-Walden discuss the state budget impasse and MAP grant funding at a town hall meeting Tuesday.

Officials unbothered by increase in NIU water bill

By Madison Kacer | February 15, 2016

Due to an annual budget of $1.5 million dedicated to water expenses, NIU officials are not financially concerned about the 4.5 percent increase to the water bill through 2024.Alan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance, said $600,000 of...

Former employee to repay travel expenses

By Leah Nicolini | February 11, 2016

Former affiliate employee Magaly Rodriguez owes $2,793.63 in travel expenses which NIU President Doug Baker said was reimbursed inappropriately by NIU, according to an NIU news release Wednesday.Rodriguez was hired in 2013 as a change specialist functioning...

NIU President Baker discusses the state budget Wednesday at a University Council meeting. "Our situation we have here reminds me of one thing: our football team chants after a win in the locker room," Baker said. "They say, 'We won. How did we do it? The hard way.' And that is how I feel about NIU all together across the board."

Stevens winter maintenance to cost $300K

By Alexander Chettiath | November 5, 2015

NIU will spend $300,000 for the winter maintenance of the Stevens Building to avoid $1 million in damage.The state-funded construction of Steven’s Building began on Sept. 22, 2014, and halted on July 1 — along with all other state construction projects...