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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A band member plays during the halftime of the 2006 homecoming game.

Alumni band to play at Homecoming

By Allyson Martin | October 14, 2010

Students and homecoming attendees will have a chance to hear former Huskie band members play. "We're really looking forward to performing," said alumni Mike O'Connor. The alumni band is playing at the homecoming game again this year. Members of the alumni...

Steve Kim is the Republican Attorney General candidate.

Attonery Gernal candidates information

By Allyson Martin and Melissa Mastrogiovanni | October 12, 2010

Name: Lisa Madigan Position: The current attorney general. Hometown: Chicago Political affiliation: Democrat Platform: Madigan’s platform is based on being an advocate for citizens. She promises to protect children’s rights as well as nursing home...

DeKalb High School offers dual credit courses

By Allyson Martin | October 10, 2010

Students currently enrolled in DeKalb High School have the option of enrolling in dual credit classes. "We offer many classes such as nursing, business and health education." said DHS Registrar Bonnie Stellatos . Stellatos and DHS Principal Doug Moeller...

DeKalb alderman plans for future

By Allyson Martin | October 6, 2010

DeKalb 2nd Ward Alderman Tom Teresinski said the worst part of being an alderman is missing Monday Night Football. "I really don't have a least favorite part of my job, maybe when we have split votes." Teresinski said. He also said the composition of...

New lotto addition to pay for college tuition

By Allyson Martin | October 5, 2010

College tuition could just be a scratch-off away for students. The newest addition to the instant win lotto family is the $2 ‘Cash 4 College' ticket, through which students can win four years of paid college tuition. Tracy Owens, Illinois Lottery's...

lost and found on the Huskie Bus

By Allyson Martin | September 29, 2010

  DeKALB | Michael Sunderman, freshman biology major, lost his room key on the circle left Huskie bus. "I called the Huskie Line immediately after I got off the bus," Sunderman said. "The operator at the Huskie Line then found out exactly which bus I...