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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Jeff Achler, senior physical education major, pumps gas at the BP on Lincoln Highway Tuesday afternoon.

Gas prices take their toll on wallets

By Linze Griebenow | February 29, 2012

Gas prices are increasingly becoming the biggest threat to the economy, said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. With the U.S. unleaded gas average at $3.58 a gallon, prices on petroleum have risen 25 cents since the new year. According...

Contraceptives policy raises controversy

By Chelsey Boutan | February 19, 2012

A government policy introduced by President Barack Obama has spurred a reaction from religious leaders, politicians, and people across the country, including DeKalb. The revised policy is a part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and will...

We Can’t Wait: Helping Manage Student Loan Debt

By Barack Obama | November 2, 2011

Over the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to get out of Washington and talk with folks across the country about how we can create jobs and get our economy growing faster.This is a tough time for a lot of Americans - especially young people. You've...

Maj. Eric Tisland looks into the eyes of his son, Gabriel
Tisland, as his wife and the rest of his children greeted him home
to Ft. Carson, Colo., Friday, Oct. 21, 2011. All U.S. troops "will
definitely be home for the holidays," President Barack Obama
declared Friday, in his statement that the war in Iraq will be over
by year's end. More than 4,400 members of the military have been
killed, and more than 32,000 have been wounded in the war that has
stretched more than eight years. (AP Photo/The Colorado Springs
Gazette, Jerilee Bennett)

US to pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan

By Kelly Bauer | October 23, 2011

The war is over - almost. In an announcement Friday, President Barack Obama said almost every troop in Iraq will be withdrawn by Dec. 31. About 150 of the 39,000 troops will remain to assist in arms sales, according to CNN. This mass withdrawal of troops...

State government funding may cause cuts to MAP grants

By Andrea Azzo | October 12, 2011

Students may see their Monetary Award Program (MAP) grants shrink later this year. On Oct. 3, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) sent an email to students who filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The email stated...

Obama: ‘We have a responsibility’

By Danny Cozzi | March 28, 2011

Freshman theater major Richie Vavrina watched as President Barack Obama defended the first war launched on his watch. He declared Monday night that the United States intervened in Libya to prevent a slaughter of civilians that would have stained the world's...

RANT: Obama knows nothing about sports

By Andrew Singer | January 30, 2011

DeKALB | President Barack Obama panders to the masses like it’s his job. Oh wait, it is his job. He constantly references his die-hard love for the Chicago Bears and White Sox. Let’s be honest, though, the president probably couldn’t care less what...

Miami Heat forward LeBron James argues after he was called for fouling Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo during the second half of an NBA basketball game Thursday in Miami. The Celtics defeated the Heat 112-107.

The Rant: LeBron James is in a class of his own

By Chris Dertz | November 15, 2010

Finally, Time Magazine has gotten something right. With the publication revealing that LeBron James is on its list of finalists for "Person of the Year," the magazine has gained instant credibility, and should be viewed as truly ground-breaking in its...