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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Greg Ward Trio performs at NIU

By Kevin Bartelt | January 21, 2013

Saxophonist Greg Ward inspired several musicians on Friday in a powerful performance. The Greg Ward Trio’s concert 4 p.m. Friday in the Recital Hall raised the bar for musicians. Makaya McCraven on drums and Matt Ulery on bass joined Ward for Friday’s...

Happy Endings explores gender roles

By Kevin Bartelt | December 9, 2012

Happy Endings explored gender roles and helmets this week. Jane is bothered her coworkers won’t accept her because she’s not “one of the guys.” When Jane and Brad throw a party with her co-workers, she learns she can gain their approval by acting...

Concerts are a fun way to spend break

By Kevin Bartelt | December 5, 2012

It’s difficult not to let your mind wander about potential winter break plans as the end of the semester nears. If you’re interested in going to a concert during break, here are a few to consider. The two local shows worth seeing this month are The...

Students share experiences, talents in ‘Storytellers Theatre’

By Kevin Bartelt | December 3, 2012

“He said something that stuck: ‘It was a Christmas miracle,’” said Michael Rodriguez. As a child, Rodriguez was hit by a car in a snowy December day while picking up groceries. He woke up two days after the accident in a hospital as the doctor...

‘Mansome’ documentary offers look into masculinity

By Kevin Bartelt | December 2, 2012

I watched a really cool documentary that just came out this year on Netflix. It’s called Mansome and features Will Arnett and Jason Bateman. This hour-and-a-half documentary explains the different types of facial hair. If you’re 12 years old, a woman,...

Third Onion productions presents 'Variations' this week

Third Onion productions presents ‘Variations’ this week

By Kevin Bartelt | November 27, 2012

For some, the past never leaves. This is an idea explored in the Third Onion production Variations, a play written by sophomore communications major Becca Pearce and directed by senior theater major William Burdin. The show features music composed by...

Best and worst Christmas albums

Best and worst Christmas albums

By Kevin Bartelt | November 25, 2012

November is almost over and it’s time to dust off that holiday CD...I mean, search “Christmas” in iTunes. If you are hanging out with a couple friends, you obviously want to pick the best holiday music. Here are the best and worst Christmas albums....

Thanksgiving TV recap

By Kevin Bartelt | November 25, 2012

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving break is over. However, I enjoyed a few different shows this week. Happy Endings had a really funny Thanksgiving episode. The friends watch an episode that showed Alex on The Real World in 2002. It’s hilarious how accurate...

Soundgarden rages back to music scene with first album in 16 years

By Kevin Bartelt | November 18, 2012

They’ve done it again. Soundgarden released its first album in 16 years, King Animal. If I could sum up the album in two words, they would be “Audioslave 2.” This album has a striking similarity to lead singer Chris Cornell’s side project, Audioslave,...

Reasons to see Skyfall

By Kevin Bartelt | November 18, 2012

There are many reasons why you should see Skyfall. James Bond is at his best, and here’s why: Action: The fight and chase scenes are anything but ordinary. Sometimes I adjust my cuff links after jumping into a moving train through the roof, too. And...

Rihanna teams up with Chris Brown on new album

By Kevin Bartelt | November 13, 2012

Rihanna has a new album coming out next week, Unapologetic. It features artists like Eminem, Chris Brown, Future and—wait, what? Chris Brown? The same Chris Brown who beat up Rihanna the night before the Grammys in 2009? Rihanna is getting over Brown’s...

Anthropology Museum Docent, Paige Drauden, senior anthropology major, poses in front of a section of the Water for Life Exhibit in NIU's Anthropology Museum located in Cole Hall Friday afternoon. The exhibit explores the multiple ways societies have utilized water throughout history.

Anthropology Museum hosts exhibit on water

By Kevin Bartelt | November 11, 2012

There are more than 326 million trillion gallons of water on Earth. If 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, then it is important to know more about it. Water for...Life is an exhibit in the Anthropology Museum that offers very interesting...