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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Anniversary exhibit displays ‘Huskie identity’

By Dan Doren, News Reporter | February 6, 2020

DeKALB — The NIU community will get to view the 125-year history of the university at the recently unveiled “Becoming Huskies” exhibition through December as part of the university’s year-long celebration.The opening reception for “Becoming...

Looking into Legacies: Swen Parson, Reavis, Zulauf

By Jay Ibarra | March 21, 2016

Have you ever walked into a building on campus and wondered how it got its name?An official university committee had the responsibility of naming buildings at NIU. The membership of the committee was founded in 1974, according to a 1981 NIU faculty bulletin...

History’s Foundations: Altgeld Hall

By Olivia Willoughby | April 29, 2012

It looks like a castle that is not-so-ironically placed on Castle Drive, just without the flying, flaming arrows like in the old days, and it’s the oldest building at NIU. “The story is that Governor Altgeld had really liked castles,” said Cindy...

Library’s ‘Buy Local’ art show to close

By Jessica Cabe | October 30, 2011

Turn on your television. Open a magazine. Look at the bottom of these pages. Advertisements are everywhere. They have become such an integral part of life that we see them without noticing. They play a huge role in commerce, and local businesses in Northern...

The Buy Local Art Exhibit showcases the evolution of advertising
in Northern Illinois commerce.

Regional History Center to host reception for local business exhibit

By Dave Gong | October 9, 2011

NIU's Regional History Center will host a reception for its exhibit, BUY LOCAL: The evolution of advertising in northern Illinois commerce. Katharine White, curator of manuscripts for the regional history center, said the exhibit looks at advertising...

The Civil War exhibit, "Vestiges of a Nation Divided," is being put on by NIU's Regional History Center.

Regional History Center recognizes Civil War anniversary with online exhibit

By Leah Spagnoli | April 20, 2011

The Founders Memorial Library is offering students and faculty the chance to travel 150 years in the past. On April 12, 1861, the United States began a war within itself. NIU's Regional History Center is recognizing the anniversary by creating an online...