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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Jazz Ensemble energizes campus

By Chris Plumery | November 20, 2019

DeKALB — The NIU Jazz Ensemble performed 8 p.m. Tuesday inside Boutell Memorial Concert Hall in the Music Building. The concert was directed by Rodrigo Villanueva-Conroy, professor of jazz studies. Villanueva-Conroy walked on stage and turned his back...

Jazz Ensemble plans to add singer to group

By Claire Buchanan | September 30, 2014

Reggie Thomas, jazz studies coordinator and Jazz Ensemble director, plans to add another instrument to the group — the human voice.Adding a jazz vocalist and creating a jazz vocal ensemble are in the works under Thomas, who took the place of former...

(Left) Director Ron Carter teaches the Jazz Ensemble in November 2013 in the Music Building. The band rehearsed for its show, which is at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Holmes Student Center’s Duke Ellington Ballroom.

Carter celebrating last show with old students

By Aymie Telinski | April 10, 2014

Professor Ronald Carter is inviting his former students and friends from across the country to be a part of his final School of Music Jazz Ensemble concert today.Everyone is invited to the free performance at 8 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom. Special...

Jazz ensemble to perform final concert of year

By Northern Star Staff | November 17, 2013

Northern Star StaffDeKalb | The Jazz Ensemble will play its final performance of the year 8 p.m. Thursday in the Holmes Student Center’s Duke Ellington Ballroom.The show will feature bassist and Mack Avenue recording artist Rodney Whitaker.Board of...

Guest trumpeter Sean Jones to join NIU’s Jazz Ensemble

By Guadalupe Lopez | April 10, 2013

The Jazz Ensemble will perform with guest trumpeter Sean Jones at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Duke Ellington Ballroom of the Holmes Student Center. The concert will be free and open to the public. “We have a guest performer coming in who has done wonderful,...

NIU’s music building to hold Latin Jazz Ensemble Dance Party

By Katie Finlon | April 7, 2013

“Music, food, dancing, fun and awesomeness” is how percussion instructor Mike Mixtacki envisions today’s concert—or, rather party. The NIU Latin Jazz Ensemble Dance Party starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Boutell Memorial Concert Hall lobby in the Music...

The Duke’s bittersweet final night

By Alex Fiore | May 2, 2012

Sometimes he coughed up blood. Sometimes his knees ached and his back strained when sitting down. When Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington took the stage inside NIU’s University Center on March 20, 1974, the cancer that destroyed his lungs had turned...

Grammy-winning trupeter Randy Breck(left) plays with the NIU Jazz Ensemble Thursday night.

Grammy-winning trumpeter takes the stage at NIU

By Candice Beasley | April 14, 2011

Over 700 people watched NIU's jazz ensemble play with Grammy-winning trumpeter Randy Brecker. Brecker has been playing the trumpet and flugelhorn for over 50 years. He accompanied the jazz ensemble Thursday night in playing some selections he has written...