DeKALB – NIU’s student body supreme court justices will be summoned by the SGA to explain what the court has been doing.
The SGA passed resolution 56019 which requires the justices to appear before the SGA on Friday.
Some members of SGA were unclear if the student government knew the justices.
“Do we know who they are?” Senator Trevor Ivy said.
Speaker Manny Corpuz said the SGA is aware of who the justices are.
“We appointed two in last year’s session,” Corpuz said. “I do have records of everyone that is on supreme court as of right now. I have also made an effort to contact them all.”
The resolution comes after the supreme court failed to provide reports to the SGA detailing court activities.
Senator Eddie Guerrero was confirmed as parliamentarian. The role is a paid position which requires 10 hours of work each week.
The confirmation comes after the SGA consolidated the positions of legislative director, historian and director of community service into the role of parliamentarian.
“Senator Guerrero has been a huge help for me beforehand,” Corpuz said. “He has helped set up four meetings and has helped me whenever I need.”
Guerrero was confirmed with a 9-0-1 vote.
The student government passed a resolution to establish naloxone training initiatives.
“Several colleges and universities across the country have their own Naloxone,” Gonzalez said. “No cases that I know of has occurred at NIU. This is a proactive measure.”
Gonzalez said he has spoken with students and administrators that support the measure.
“With the passage of this resolution, it makes this harm reduction measure a firm policy of Student Government to pursue,” Gonzalez said. “It would open up the floor for senators such as yourself to participate in these actions.”