2022 candidate profiles: Illinois Secretary of State
November 6, 2022
Dan Brady

Race: Illinois Secretary of State
Party: Republican
Experience: Illinois General Assembly State Representative 105th District, funeral director for Kibler-Brady-Ruestman Memorial Home, former McLean County coroner
Bachelor’s degree – St. Ambrose University, elected studies
Associate degree – Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, arts
Major issues:
“I aim to cut wait times at DMVs and fully staffing drivers facilities, increase digital services using Illinois’ approximately 5,000 libraries for remote services and protect people’s personal data, still being devoted to those who aren’t tech savvy that want to come in and personally receive services at the DMV,” Brady said.
“I will prioritize seeking additional public and private funding to make our libraries more accessible for all across the state,” Brady said.
“Not only have I interacted with the government in my days as coroner in particular, with distracted driving, programs for teens and organ tissue donation and dealing with families that have lost a loved one, but I’ve worked with Secretary White passing legislation in that area as well,” Brady said.
What matters most:
“I think right now there appear to be two issues: one is their pocket, inflation, the cost of gas, to groceries to medicine,” Brady said. “The other, I think, is crime, law enforcement, safety of people and the crime and the lawlessness that simply is not being addressed.”
Interview conducted by Colin Kempsell, news editor.
Alexi Giannoulias

Race: Illinois Secretary of State
Party: Democratic
Experience: Served as the 72nd Treasurer of Illinois from 2007-2011.
Juris doctor – Tulane University Law School.
Bachelor’s degree – Boston University, economics.
Major issues:
On voting rights, Giannoulias gave his opinion via his campaign’s website.
“With Republican Secretaries of State across the nation seeking to disenfranchise voters with restrictive voter suppression laws that make it more difficult to register and cast ballots, I’m committed to advancing initiatives that will expand voter rights and make voting easier and more convenient,” Giannoulias said.
“As Secretary of State, I’ll end the corruption tax,” Giannoulias said. “The Secretary of State’s office maintains lobbyist registrations and statements of economic interest – commonly known as ethics statements – that public officials file with the office” in relation to ethics laws.
“Modernizing the Secretary of State’s office is a top priority. COVID-19 and the recent surge for Real IDs have forced changes in how the office needs to operate and delivers services to improve the customer experience,” Giannoulias said.
What matters most:
“We need to rebuild trust in our public institutions, trust in our elected officials and trust in each other. Government has prioritized the interests of the powerful and wealthy over the welfare of the majority, resulting in a lack of trust and confidence in our elected officials,” Giannoulias said via his campaign website.
The Northern Star contacted this candidate requesting an interview and received no reply.