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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Founders Memorial Library sits on a snowy day. Nathan Lee expresses his opinion that the Founders Memorial Library hours should be extended on the weekends in order to potentially reduce crime in DeKalb. (Northern Star File Photo)

Express Yourself: Extending Founders Memorial Library hours on weekends could help reduce crime

By Nathan Lee | January 12, 2025

Editor's note: Express Yourself pieces are the author's opinion alone. Many students have complained about the lack of hours that Founder’s Memorial Library (FML) provides students during the academic school year. On Friday and Saturday, FML closes...

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend a ceremony of honoring fallen soldiers in Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday. Brian Paul Kaess calls on NIU not to forget Ukraine in an Express Yourself opinion piece. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Express Yourself: Don’t forget about Ukraine!

By Brian Paul Kaess | December 5, 2024

Editor’s note: Express Yourself opinion pieces are the author’s opinion alone. As a U.S. disabled veteran (10%) and member of American Veterans for Ukraine (AVU), I want to urge the NIU community not to forget Ukraine and what some have called...

A candle glows orange over a transgender pride flag. In an Express Yourself opinion piece, Christy-Lynne Lapine reminds readers that the Transgender Day of Remembrance is not a celebration, but a commemoration of transgender lives lost. (Lucy Atkinson | Northern Star)

Express Yourself: Transgender Day of Remembrance is commemoration, not holiday

By Christy-Lynne Lapine | November 18, 2024

For a group only representing a small percentage of the population, one day each year to honor and mourn our dead might seem pointless. Beginning with a website meant to educate the trans community and inform the cisgender world, the holiday and the list...

Ballots that read "Yes on City Clerk" float into a green ballot box. Former second ward alderman Bill Finucane encourages DeKalb voters to vote yes on City Clerk this election, which will change the City Clerk from an elected to an appointed position. (Lucy Atkinson | Northern Star)

Express Yourself: Vote yes on City Clerk

By Bill Finucane | October 29, 2024

Editor’s note: Express Yourself opinion pieces are the author’s opinion alone. Both the City of DeKalb and the City of Sycamore are asking the same question:  “Shall the City Clerk be appointed, rather than elected?” Both cities are attempting...

The Forward, Together Forward memorial outside Cole Hall honors the lives of the five students lost in the Feb. 14, 2008, shooting.

Letter to the editor: ‘Northern Strong’

By Loring Olk | February 14, 2023

***Editor’s Note: Letters to the editor are the author’s opinion alone*** On this day of remembrance, I am at once sad for the tragedy of the lives taken, students wounded and deep wound inflicted upon my alma mater, my school; Northern Illinois...

Letter to the editor: Will fall echo 2019?

Letter to the editor: Will fall echo 2019?

By Daniel Nuccio | April 23, 2021

***Editor’s Note: Letters to the editor are the author’s opinion alone*** It has been more than a year since NIU students received that fateful email notifying them of their extended spring break and, at first, a temporary period of distance learning. At...

A white chicken roams some grass in the sun.

Letter to the editor: vote no on backyard chickens

By Bill Finucane | March 31, 2021

***Editor's Note: Letters to the editor are the author's opinion alone***   For the past year, the rallying cry has been “follow the science.” The Center for Disease Control has done a tremendous job in providing guidance as we continue...

Letter to the editor: NIU needs political diversity

By Wayne Lela | October 28, 2020

According to a mandatory diversity training “Conversations on Diversity and Equity” seminar at NIU that is required for all student organization leaders, the phrase “All Lives Matter” is considered an example of so-called “anti-blackness.”  Things...

Letter to the editor: Peaceful protesters

By Frank Beierlotzer | June 24, 2020

This letter is to all peaceful protesters. I believe there are probably a few bad apples in every profession of work and area of our society. Please, just look around and see if you agree with me. The First Amendment of our Constitution allows the...

Angel Tapia displays his "I Voted Today" sticker as students participate in budget participation election March 5 at Maryvale High School in Phoenix.

Letter to the editor: presidential election voter turnout

By Sarah Beste, DeKalb Resident | March 23, 2020

Letters to the editor are the the author's opinion alone I would like to express my passion and concern for the voter turnout of NIU students in this year’s presidential election. Voting is one of the strongest powers we as citizens have, and I would...