Letter to the editor: ‘Northern Strong’
The Forward, Together Forward memorial outside Cole Hall honors the lives of the five students lost in the Feb. 14, 2008, shooting.
February 14, 2023
***Editor’s Note: Letters to the editor are the author’s opinion alone***
On this day of remembrance, I am at once sad for the tragedy of the lives taken, students wounded and deep wound inflicted upon my alma mater, my school; Northern Illinois University. I offer my warmest wishes and prayers for the families who lost their daughter and son, for the students who suffered the trauma of gunshots in a place of learning where I had two of my history classes.
As a proud Huskie, I will always carry with me the great memories, the work ethic, the education; in and out of the classroom Northern afforded me. Grant Hall South, Neptune Hall, Holmes Student Center, Huskie Stadium, as it was called, the East Lagoon and the North 40. But more than anything it will be the great people I went to school with and who helped shape my life in such good ways!
I proudly say “Northern Strong.”
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Letters should not exceed 300 words and may be edited for clarity and brevity. Letters written by students should include the author’s year in school and major. Letters should include a phone number where the author can be reached. Phone numbers will not be published but will be used to verify the author’s identity. Letters may also be submitted to [email protected].