Booker Prize-winning author releases new book, ‘Magic Mike’ ends

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Director Steven Soderbergh and Actors Salma Hayek and Channing Tatum during a premiere of “Magic Mike’s Last Dance.”

By Nick Glover, Lifestyle Editor

As the year goes on, more and more content comes out. Here are a few pieces of media coming out next week that you should pay attention to. 

“Victory City” by Salman Rushdie

“Victory City” is the newest novel by Booker Prize winner and fatwā survivor Salman Rushdie. To be released Tuesday, “Victory City”  details the life of Pampa Kampana, a 9-year-old Indian girl who becomes enchanted by a goddess and prophesied to create the next wonder of the world: a city called Bisnaga, which translates to victory city. 

As the novel goes on, it shows how the city – and Kampana – transform over time. With Rushdie’s past as a writer who centers on magic, specifically, middle eastern magic, expect this book to focus on India and the lives of people there. Though this book may not be as transfixing as Rushdie’s most well-known work, “The Satanic Verses,” which caused the state of Iran to put a death threat out on him, I expect at least a little controversy. 

Rebecca Black – “LET HER BURN”

Pop-sensation Rebecca Black, known for her notorious hit song “Friday,”, is releasing her first studio album, “LET HER BURN” on Feb. 9. For fans of “Friday” (if any others actually exist), this album is certainly different. Black’s three singles for this album “Crumbs,” “Sick To My Stomach” and “Look At You” are pop songs, but they are all very different.

“Crumbs” is almost a hyper-pop song; its distorted vocals and over-the-top house beat make the song a real banger. “Sick To My Stomach” is more of a straight ahead pop song, but Black’s rhythmic delivery on the chorus is energizing and makes you want to sing along. Finally, “Look At You” feels like the Whole Foods version of Olivia Rodrigo: good and clean, but a bit too polished and lacking spice. While these songs are pretty good pop songs, they lacked the sort of character that Black had on her earliest hit “Friday.”

“Magic Mike’s Last Dance”

The final piece in the “Magic Mike” trilogy releases on Feb. 10. “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” follows famed adult dancer Mike Lane, played by Channing Tatum, as he goes to London with a new patron, Maxandra Mendoza, played by Salma Hayek. While in London, Mike puts on his last show with an all new cast of dancers and eventually starts to fall for Mendoza, who is paying for his new show. 

Fans of the first two films should be excited for the final installment as it seems to take the ideas set forth in the first two films and bring them to a whole new playing field (literally… they’re in London now.) The director of the original films, Steven Soderbergh, returns as well; so if you like how the other films made you feel, “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” may be for you.