Take note of Jamboree
November 19, 1991
It’s reassuring to know that in an age of fast food, personal computers and fax machines, some communities still take the time to kick back and be just that—a community.
One such area is DeKalb’s next-door-neighbor, Sycamore. Every third Saturday of every month, a Grand Ol‘ Jamboree is held at the Sycamore Community Center, 425 W. State St.
The Jamboree, created two years ago by a group of Sycamore residents, is patently a community gathering that showcases musicians.
“We have an open mike. Whoever shows up, plays. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis,” said Russ Boyer, Jamboree coordinator. “We also have a picking room where people can sit and play their guitars, and maybe move up front and join the musicians. About 125 to 150 people show up. A lot come,” he said.
Boyer said that country, gospel and bluegrass music are featured. Even though the format is completely open-mike, Boyer said he asks that the acts call in advance, just to reserve a time slot.
In addition to the performances, Boyer said some women bring food, and coffee and soda are provided. “We do ask for a donation from people to cover the cost of the soda and renting the center. We suggest a dollar or two, but they can give what they want. I know sometimes there’s tens and twenties in there,” Boyer said.
What is most unique about the Jamboree, aside from the acts it attracts, is the sense of community it creates. Marty Jahnel, community center director, said, “It’s a wholesome family activity. Everyone benefits. I always try to get down here for them. I like the participation by everyone. Family; you just don’t see that much in today’s society.”
Jahnel said some performers who got their start at the Jamboree have gone on to record albums. Special Consensus, a Country/Western band, and Ennisfree, an Irish band, are two such groups. Jahnel said Ennisfree will return to perform for St. Patrick’s day.
“We even have people from outside the country,” Boyer said. “Recently, a French musician came up and played guitar and sang French songs. We enjoyed his performance, even though we couldn’t understand him.”
The next Jamboree will be held Saturday, Dec. 21 from 6 to 10 p.m.