Currently, the cheapest gasoline price in DeKalb is $3.49 per gallon at Casey’s. The most expensive according to GasBuddy is $4.09 per gallon.
Compared to Illinois’ average gas price of $3.95, DeKalb’s lowest price is cheaper by 46 cents.
The price of gas per gallon in Illinois is on average down by approximately 6 cents compared to the price last week, according to GasBuddy’s price reports.
GasBuddy also reported that gas is down approximately 15 cents compared to this time last month and by 3 cents compared to last year.
The most expensive gas in Illinois was $5.29 per gallon, while the lowest price was $1.11 per gallon was the lowest.
In nearby St. Charles the cheapest gasoline price is $3.77 per gallon. In Cortland the cheapest gas price is $3.69 per gallon.
Overall, for residents in the midwest prices are looking good.
“There is some good news for those in the hardest hit states in the Midwest, however, as gasoline prices should start to level off and even decline by mid-week,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy.