Three SA seats remain unfilled
September 16, 1991
The Student Association will soon make appointments to the three staff positions that have been unfilled this semester.
According to SA President Preston Came, the community affairs adviser, Student Committee on Financial Aid (SCOFA) adviser and Student Political Education Action Committee (SPEAC) adviser positions will be filled by next week.
The previous advisers for the community affairs and SPEAC committees resigned, opening the positions to applicants, Came said.
Dave Ivers, graduate assistant, agreed to temporarily hold the community affairs adviser position when Jeffrey Buchholtz, former adviser, resigned this summer because of grades.
Came said he received three applications for the position, and Ivers will remain until an appointment is made.
Ardis Banks, former SPEAC adviser, resigned from her position last week.
“(Ardis) came back to school and found that her studies took up a lot more time than she expected,” Came said. “It was a disappointment from both our ends.”
Came received four applications for the SCOFA position. This is the first appointment since the termination of last year’s position.
Robert McCormack, former SA President, also waited until the fall semester to make the SCOFA appointment, Came said. “It is not unusual for that position to remain unfilled until now,” he said.
Came said he will review the applications and make the three appointments by next week.