Write-ins delay results
September 18, 1991
The total official results of the Student Association senate elections will be delayed this year due to the large number of senate candidate write-ins.
SA Vice President John Quilico said official election results from districts one, three and five will be available outside the SA office by noon today.
The results from districts two and four are official because none of the elected senators are write-ins.
Senators representing district two for the 1991-1992 academic year are: Shannon G. Wiggins, Michelle Brayer, Anna Bicanic, Julie Lardino, Kelly Meegan, Paul Middleton, Jennifer Lenart and Raheel Irfan.
Senators representing district four are: Michael Starzec, Sylvia Cerrato, Donielle Gary, Daniel R. Fuhrman, Nelson Perez, Eric Nelson, Ranjeet Rai and Amy Kurman.
SA Elections Commissioner Christina Hulting and the election commission found 2 percent of the 861 votes cast to be invalid.
“The invalid votes were caused by too many votes being marked on the ballots or the ballots being marked incorrectly,” Hulting said.
An additional 1.5 percent of students voted on Thursday making it a 3.5 percent total for this year’s election. This is a .5 percent decrease from last year’s total.
“I was disappointed with the turnout in terms of quantity,” Quilico said. “Regardless of the turnout, the senate will make up for it in quality.”
Hulting said the overall elections ran smoothly this year “although there’s always going to be complications.”
“I think the only complication was that people were misinformed when they went to the voting tables,” Quilico said.
“There is a great amount of minority, greek and residence hall representation,” Quilico said. “The senate seems to be very diversified.”
An orientation meeting for the new senators will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 4 p.m. in the Skyroom of the Holmes Student Center.
“At this meeting, students will learn parliamentary procedure, receive a copy of the SA Constitution and Bylaws and obtain the agenda of the first meeting,” Quilico said.
The orders of business, recognition of student organizations and approving appointees of the president will take place at the first senate meeting, also on Sunday in the Skyroom at 6p.m.