Service sorority to still “Yell Like Hell”

By Laura Nowak

An NIU service sorority, which was not paired up with other Interfraternity Council-recognized groups in this year’s Homecoming week competitions, will “Yell Like Hell” anyway.

Sigma Lambda Sigma was not included in the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council pairing system because the sorority is not a recognized member of the PHC, said Sigma Lambda Sigma President Laura Tau.

The system is designed to pair up fraternities and sororities for the Homecoming week competitions of softball, volleyball, canoeing, and “Yell Like Hell.”

In the past, the sorority was allowed to be paired up with IFC-recognized groups, Tau said.

Joann Mueller, social chair assistant for Sigma Lambda Sigma, said the sorority was not notified of the meeting in which the drawing was held.

As a result, the sorority will pair up with Triangle Fraternity, which is not a member of the IFC, for the competitions, said Sigma Lambda Sigma Vice-President Cara Borought.

“We have partners now, so we’re happy,” Mueller said.

Greek Adviser Dawn Sturma said Sigma Lambda Sigma was not paired because the sorority is not a formal member of the PHC.

The sorority is an associate member of the PHC and attends meetings, but they do not have voting privileges because they do not belong to the national PHC, Sturma said.

Sturma said the PHC/IFC included the sorority in the past because the pairing system was less formal. This year began a new system for pairing greeks with a lottery drawing instead of serenading.

The old system often excluded fraternities because there are not enough sororities.

“We certainly didn’t mean to leave anyone out,” Sturma said.

“It was just a disappointment,” Tau said. “But all of our members are enthusiastic about Homecoming.”

Sigma Lambda Sigma will hold formal Rush on September 25 at 9 p.m. in the Carl Sandburg Auditorium in the Holmes Student Center.