DeKALB – After stirring up student excitement with its opening in 2023, D.P. Dough, a calzone restaurant in DeKalb, has faced multiple closures amid legal and financial issues.
The Northern Star was unable to verify the exact reason for the closure. A sign on the entrance of the restaurant on Friday said that it is closed for winter break.
The restaurant was first shut down by the city after being ordered to cease and desist operations in June 2024. The eatery reopened under corporate ownership with new staff the following month.
The reopening was short-lived as the restaurant at 215 W. Lincoln Highway has been closed again since early January.
In court documents obtained by the Northern Star, the city of DeKalb is seeking to collect $26,000 in taxes, penalties and late fees from the business.
A complaint filed in the court said “On August 12, 2024, pursuant to due notice, the City’s administrative hearing officer entered a final judgment order against defendant [DP Dough] and in the city’s favor in the total amount of $26,507.59 for violations of the city’s municipal code including, but not limited to, Chapter 16 (“Fire and Life Safety”) and Chapter 60 (“Restaurant, Bar and Package Liquor Tax”) of the City’s Municipal Code (the “Judgment”).”
The owners of D.P. Dough could not be reached for comment.
It is unclear whether the calzone restaurant will be open for business in the future.