Anti-war action planned
January 15, 1991
If there are any shots fired, our troops in the desert will not be forgotten.
The DeKalb No War Coalition will sponsor an emergency demonstration in response to any shots fired in the Middle East. If the first shots are fired before noon, the demonstration will occur that day at noon in the King Memorial Commons. If the shootings begin after noon, it will be at noon the following day.
The NIU Marxist Humanist Forum is affiliated with Chicago Campuses Against War, said forum member Tom Rainey. CCAW is a coalition of 20 campuses in the Chicago area. If shots are fired, all campuses will demonstrate at noon.
DeKalb No War Coalition member Sonia Stevens said most people are not in favor of war, but it looks likely.
On Wednesdays the No War Coalition passes out literature in the Pow Wow. Stevens said people come up to the table all the time and say they strongly oppose war and do not want to die for oil.
“I think society can organize and build an anti-war movement to create a free society where we don’t have to worry about going to war now or ever again,” Stevens said.
Since nothing will occur until after the shootings start, the coalition hopes the demonstration will bring people together to show they don’t support violence.
If the demonstration does take place there will be an emergency meeting that same evening at 8 p.m. in the Pow Wow. Rainey said plans for future action beyond stopping the war will be discussed.
When asked what he would do if he were President Bush, Rainey said he could not respond because Marxist Humanists do not believe in any division between leaders or masses of people.
“We as Marxist Humanists see our vision of a new society as states and production being run by each man, woman and child,” he said.
Rainey said he was involved in a demonstration Monday in Chicago that started at the Federal Building but later led into a spontaneous march of about 5,000 people.
Whether shots are fired or not, there is a candlelight vigil planned today at 4 p.m. in the commons for anyone opposed to war. Anyone interested is asked to bring his own candles.