Protesters can get answers

Well, it’s happened. Every student or faculty member who ever complained, worried or even mildly protested anything about NIU can now vent their spleens publicly.

Today, four university officials are holding an education forum to answer any questions anyone has on anything regarding higher education’s future and funding.

Of course, the forum is being held way downtown at 3:30 p.m. in the lower level of NIU’s Social Science Research Institute. That is probably at the most five whole miles away from any person living in the NIU community or in the city of DeKalb.

And granted, there are bound to be unforeseen obstacles barring some people from attendance, such as a tornado, earthquake or a slew of finals.

However, for all those who openly protested tuition increases, faculty salary increases or any other NIU matter, now is the time to get some answers.

For all those who mildly squeaked about matters as “inconsequential” as getting bumped out of a class, not enough money for a department or any other NIU annoyance, here’s a chance to get some feedback.

And for those who know absolutely nothing about NIU now, but want to know what will happen to it three or four years down the line, it’s time to rattle off your list of questions.

This forum is it, so if you don’t go, keep your mouth shut.