DeKalb residents respond to voter registration drive

By Rebecca Bahr

DeKalb residents have not been apathetic in registering to vote in the 1990 general elections.

“Registration is going extremely well, considering it’s not even a presidential election year,” said recruiter Jordan Kagan.

Kagan said he is signing up voters waiting in cafeteria lines in the residence halls. He already has registered close to 400 students, but said he hopes to get as many as 1,000 voters before the deadline next week.

Sharon Holmes, DeKalb County chief deputy clerk, said nearly 500 voters were registered through the county clerk’s office last week.

Also, there are dozens of places to register on the NIU campus and around DeKalb, Holmes said.

Several DeKalb banks and libraries have deputy registrars, as well as city clerk and village clerk offices. Citizens also can register at the Students’ Legal Assistance office, the Student Association office and the DeKalb Farm Bureau, Holmes said.

Oct. 9 is the last day for citizens to register to vote in the 1990 general election.

“We want to send a message to Springfield and to Washington that students do matter,” Kagan said. “If we can show congress that students do have voting power and will exercise it, then they will be more likely to listen to our needs.”

The recruiters are interested more in the fact that people vote rather than who they vote for, he said.

To qualify as a registered voter in DeKalb county, a person must be 18 years or older by election day, a U.S citizen and a resident of DeKalb County for 30 days prior to election day.

Also, those wishing to register need proof of a DeKalb County address and must be willing to lose their registration in their home counties.

In the 1986 general elections, of the 36,695 registered voters in DeKalb, 57 percent actually voted in the election, Holmes said.

Any student groups, sororities or fraternities which are interested in having a voting recruiter sign up students during an organization meeting should contact Kagan at 753-7752.