Playwright to direct workshop

By Alyce Malchiodi

Oscar P. Grant, a playwright who has worked in New York and Chicago theaters, will direct his play, “The Lord’s Will” at NIU starting Friday.

Grant is commuting from Chicago on the weekends for the rehearsals and the performances. He has directed, acted, and written in Chicago and New York theaters.

The play is being performed by the NIU’s Black Theatre Workshop. Cindy Elly, a new member of the Black Theatre Workshop, who also is performing in the production, said she thought the group has been at NIU for 25 years. The group primarily does work by black playwrights.

The performers said they are very excited about working with Grant. The experience has been described as a valuable learning experience. He has a talent to open the performers up and lets them build and interpret the characters, said Victor Wells, a member of the cast.

Grant also creates a professional environment and attitude that some of the newer members have not been exposed to until now. Workshop members said they feel that Grant’s commuting to NIU reflects on the school as a whole and they are proud he is contributing to the NIU theater community.

The play is about the pain of an alcoholic’s life. The lead character, Ellen Paxton, takes the audience to an AA meeting. She tells the story of how her courage, determination and faith in God helped her keep her family together thoughout her struggle to overcome her problems with alcoholism.

Although the play might sound depressing, it has been described as uplifting by workshop members. It is a story about man’s ability to conquer problems that seem impossible.

The play is being performed at the Cavan Auditorium in Gable Hall, on weekends. Performances begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $1 for students and $2 for staff and general admission. The play will run until Nov. 12.