Contract mediation set
October 5, 1989
The Board of Regents has sent NIU and the University Police into contract mediation after informal negotiations for this year’s wage reopener have come to a halt.
The UPs are members of the Fraternal Order of Police Union.
The UPs are scheduled to be out in full force around the NIU campus during this Saturday’s Homecoming day events. Crowds are expected to reach more than 25,000 people throughout the day, which is one of the busiest times of the year on the campus.
Information given to The Northern Star indicated that a possible case of “blue-flu,” in which UP officers would call in sick this Saturday, could occur.
George Liepins, FOP president said, “anything is possible,” referring to the slim possibility of an illegal UP walkout if an agreement on contract terms is not reached.
The current 3-year contract will expire on June 30, 1990, and any type of strike or walkout would be a violation of the contract.
Contract wage reopeners are routine, and take place each year in July, so salary increases can be discussed.
“Wage reopeners have been agreed upon informally, without mediation, during each year of this contract until now,” said Gary Smith, NIU employee relations manager.
Because no wage compromise could be informally agreed upon, the Board of Regents decided mediation was needed, Smith said.
“The Board of Regents takes control of any labor dispute between the university and its employees,” he said. “The contract negotiations were sent to mediation this past Wednesday after it was deemed necessary by Regent Ted Heidloff.”
Heidloff was not available for comment Thursday.
Although both sides agree a wage compromise is necessary to end the mediation, there appears to be vast disagreement between parties on how long a settlement will take.
“The dispute is clearly over wages,” Smith said. “I feel that we are not far apart and I assume it (mediation) will go very quickly.”
Liepins said, “We are asking for much more than what they are offering. There is a possibility it (mediation) could last for quite a while.”
NIU mediator James Elliot, director of public safety, had no comment on the issue. He requested all questions on the matter be referred to Smith.