Search on for coordinator
September 10, 1989
NIU is searching for an assessment coordinator to interpret reports on student achievement that will provide university officials with a better understanding of what students are learning.
After several surveys are made of students’ attitudes and achievements, the assessment coordinator will interpret the data for the provost office. The provost office will then be able to distribute the information to organizations like the faculty, Board of Regents and the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Associate Provost Lou Jean Moyer said part of the reason for hiring this “research person” is recent speculation that universities across the country are not giving students a complete education.
Professor Robert Wheeler, chair of the Assessment Steering Committee that recommended the new position, said another reason for hiring someone is so faculty members can see “patterns that would be very helpful” for knowing if they are doing a good job.
An Assessment Steering Committee report states the coordinator should have “expertise in statistical analysis and research design, in addition to familiarity with resources and reporting relationships.” Moyer said that the right person for the job will have at least a master’s degree.
Included in the job description is setting up a database of information gathered about several aspects of student life, including social and academic; before, during and after college, Moyer said.
The positon was authorized by Provost Kendall Baker this summer. The search committee will begin looking at applications after the Oct. 15 deadline. Moyer is chair of the search committee and said the committee plans on having someone hired in December or January.
Salary for the position will be between $25,000 and $30,000, depending on qualifications and experience of the person who is hired.