A classy idea to fight racism

An ad hoc committee of the Student Association is investigating the need and possibility of creating a mandatory cultural pluralism class to combat racism on campus.

The racism problem at NIU is not necessarily inherent racism, but rather results from ignorance and lack of education. Thus, a class is exactly the best idea to teach students and sensitize them to what they otherwise would have no experience with. A model class, Sociology 350, acquaints students with how various cultures affect society.

Assistant Professor Caleb Rosado, who teaches the 350 class, said his class “enables students to understand racism.” This in itself is an extremely positive step to furthering cultural pluralism.

A general education class of this type could be extremely benefical and educate students who have never been exposed to different cultures.

The research this ad hoc committee is doing is very important. To adjust class curriculum, experts should be consulted. It is vital that the committee act very responsibly and investigate all possible pros and cons regarding this class. Administrators, professors, students and anyone else who would be affected by this class should be consulted for opinions.

Many problems and incidents on campus could possibly be avoided if students were simply more aware of other cultures and sensitive to the needs and lives of others.

Universities are responsible for educating, and that does not mean just math and science. It does not mean students take classes just so they can get a job. These things are part of education, but education also means educating in all areas of life. Cultural plurality is a necessary part of life, and what better place to learn about it?