Not informed

Since my arrival at NIU I have periodically chided editors at The Northern Star and insisted that editorials should be informed opinions — not uninformed biases. Your editorial on Sept. 19 is certainly not informed and it certainly represents a serious bias. Speaking for the faculty in the college that is most deeply involved in providing instruction for the CHANCE program, I think you should be aware that we do not share your views. It is too bad that you did not take the time to talk with some of us who have witnessed the steady improvement of the CHANCE program for the last eight years.

The CHANCE program could be improved, so could The Northern Star for that matter, but speaking personally, I am proud to be associated with the CHANCE program. Uninformed editorials such as the one I am writing about do a disservice to the university and raise more questions about The Northern Star than the CHANCE program.

James Norris


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.