Programs not alike

I am writing in response to Marianne Renner’s column about little sister programs. While I completely agree that the program her friend from Western was subjected to was thoroughly degrading for the girls involved, I resent the implication that all little sister programs are the same way. I am a little sister at Phi Kappa Theta.

I know that not all fraternities treat their little sisters as poorly as the one in Renner’s column because I was not treated in any way like Renner’s friend. The program was never degrading or insulting as Renner strongly implied. To the contrary, in fact, I have met some very good friends through the little sisters this semester.

I am not trying to say that all little sister programs are perfect. I am only saying that Renner was being a little closed-minded to suggest that they are all like the one her friend encountered. Every fraternity is different and so is every little sister program. I can only speak for the one I am involved in and say that I am proud to be part of it.

Trina Goetz


Phi Kappa Theta Little Gem