Dual debate focuses on drug problem

By David Kirkpatrick

Concerned citizens from around the county gathered at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau last night to get another look at the candidates running for office this election year.

The League of Women Voters of DeKalb County and the DeKalb County Farm Bureau sponsored a dual debate. The 16th circuit court judge candidates Ed Diedrich and Phil DiMarzio debated each other, and state’s attorney candidates Jerry Shapiro and Mike Coghlan addressed issues confronting the office.

Though experience and qualifications have dominated the debates between Diedrich and DiMarzio so far, both candidates emphasized areas they say are of greatest concern to the judgeship.

Diedrich said the most pressing criminal issue in DeKalb County is the drug problem among youths. Diedrich said the education system needs to better direct children away from drugs.

“Children need a deeper sense of education in the home and at school,” Diedrich said. “They also need a better notion of responsibility so they understand they are ruining their own bodies and those of their comrades.”

DiMarzio said all criminal cases are important, but agreed with Diedrich by saying the most important are those dealing with child abuse and drugs.

State’s attorney candidates Jerry Shapiro and Mike Coghlan outlined the issues they said need to be addressed by the person who wins the position.

Shapiro said five main issues face the office. He said the office needs someone dedicated to commitment and someone who has all the necessary experience. Shapiro also said the office needs an increase in the felony conviction rate along with a more adequate victim assistance program. Finally, he said the office needs to be more accessible to the public.

Coghlan said he feels the most important qualifications for the candidate are criminal prosecution experience and administrative experience. Coghlan also said his dedication to law enforcement will better enable him to run a successful state’s attorney office.