Unity success’ key

I laughed when a Sept. 20 editorial characterized the SA election as being similar to an election in the Soviet Union. It is apparent that the Star cannot see the forest for the trees.

If the SA is dominated by greeks, it is because of student apathy, not inefficient election policies and vaguely-defined voting districts as the Star would have us believe.

The greeks have united together and stand as one; now they are enjoying the benefits of such unity. Contrastingly, non-greeks have been consistantly passive and lethargic about campus politics. Doesn’t that give one some insight as to why greeks run the show at NIU?

The current situation in the SA senate is a pathetic example of what happens to “rule by the people” when only a few of the people care. Non-greek students, a majority of whom are idyllic preppies from affluent suburban backgrounds, foolishly believe that everything will be OK because mommy and daddy paid the bursar bill. Meanwhile, the greeks built themselves a nice little dynasty in the SA.

I am not a member of any greek organization, but I do applaud them for standing together and making things happen. Democracy will work for you only if you work for democracy. The greeks have mastered this concept and do very well by it.

Charlie Warfield

