Learning experiences topic of teleconference

By Michelle Isaacson

NIU faculty and staff will gather next month to participate in a teleconference aimed at evaluating the outcome of students’ learning experiences at the university, determining whether the experiences prepare students for the real world, and making any necessary changes in the university.

“Assessment to Improve Student Learning and Development: A Shared Responsibility” is the theme of the teleconference which will take place Oct. 7.

NIU Provost Kendall Baker will lead the teleconference which will be received by satellite from Oklahoma. Participants will be able to call in if they have any questions. The event is scheduled to run from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the southeast meeting room of Neptune Central.

NIU Associate Provost Lou Jean Moyer said, “The objectives of this teleconference are to provide a brief orientation to assessment as a national movement, to help educators see assessment as a means of improving student learning and development, and to suggest directions and strategies for collaborative assessment effort which will improve student learning and development.”

Barbara Henley, NIU assistant vice president for student affairs, said the Association for College Student Personnel, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, and the American Association for Higher Education are sponsoring the event. Henley said she received mailings about the teleconference from these organizations and decided it would be beneficial for NIU to participate in the event.

Alexander Astin and K. Patricia Cross will make presentations along with five other people at the teleconference.

Moyer said,”The teleconference is primarily for faculty and staff. It is aimed for administrators, faculty, and student affairs personnel to understand assessment and learn about it.”

The program will begin with a half hour of orientation and continue with the broadcast.