Signs outrageous

I am writing because of the outrageous posters that have been distributed around campus by SCOPA announcing the Oct. 20 appearance by Chief Justice Rehnquist. It referred to him as “Adolph” and encouraged students to go “show the politicians that we hate it when goons like this get appointed to the court”.

SCOPA had absolutely no right to put up these posters. SCOPA is intended to promote student activity in political affairs, it is not supposed to use my student fees to make a political statement.

What I feel about Rehnquist is irrelevant. What is important is that SCOPA knows that it is violating its purpose by dictating political attitudes, rather than encouraging students to develop their own.

Recently, I’ve read some SA senators moved to do away with SCOPA. If SCOPA keeps this up, I can’t say I disagree.

Mike Novak

