First step to unity

“Unity” was a word I heard and read often last week. Some people seem to think that unity is something we can win from the institution. Others seem to think a rally or a movement might bring us unity. I think there is a simpler way.

One afternoon I was walking toward someone, a stranger. Our eyes met, he smiled and said a greeting. At my previous school this would be expected, but here at NIU I seldom even get eye contact. That simple smile and greeting from a fellow student made me feel part of the campus.

When was the last time you greeted a stranger? Even when you are the only two around? When have you struck up a conversation with someone who is alone in the commons or Pow Wow (etc.)? When have you held the door open for people behind you? All of these are simple niceties, but I don’t see them much.

These things are not a final solution, but only a first step. The more strangers you present yourself to, the less strangers there are. And then the campus can begin to be united.

Only a fool would believe that everyone will participate in unity… but wouldn’t it be nice?

Wes Covalt

Graduate Student

Educated Psychology