Scholarships presented to five educatin majors

By David Kirkpatrick

In order to help increase interest in the teaching profession, NIU recently awarded five scholarships to students pursuing education majors here, College of Education Dean Charles Stegman said.

“One way to increase interest in the teaching professions is to have scholarships such as these available,” Stegman said. “Enrollment in teaching education programs has really bottomed out since 1982, and we expect there to be a shortage of teachers into the next century.”

The initial number of College of Education Teacher Education Scholarships first offered was only four. However, the candidates were so outstanding that five were given this year, Stegman said.

The freshman recipients were Mirthala Guerra of Aurora, who is majoring in English; Deborah Hagemeyer of Esmond, who is majoring in elementary education; Laurie Noack of Sterling, a major in elementary education; Cyndi Packus of Orland Park, who is majoring in chemistry; and Elgin Thompson, Jr., of Joliet, a social science major.

The recipients had to meet six criteria before they were chosen for the scholarships, Bruce Kremer, chairman of the selection committee, said.

“We took into account the students’ GPA in high school, ACT scores, class ranks, honors received in high school, any extra curricular activities that would show the students leadership abilities, and letters of support from the students’ teachers,” Kremer said.

Laurie Noack, one of the recipients of the $250 award, said she was surprised and honored to receive the scholarship. “It was really neat to be selected from so many candidates. I can’t believe I was one of the five (to win) out of so many students here at NIU who applied for it.”

The scholarship fund was established two years ago through faculty initiative, Stegman said. Enough funds have now been raised to offer the scholarships every year, he added.

The money for the scholarships has come through donations of the education department faculty and friends, Stegman said.

The scholarships were presented at the All College Meeting, on Aug. 26, here at NIU.